Sodium Sulphate (Glauber Salt)
We have the capacity to serve the industry with good quantity of Sodium sulfate. It is an important compound of sodium. When anhydrous, it is a white crystalline solid of formula Na2SO4. The decahydrate, Na2SO4 10H2O, is known as Glauber's salt. Upon exposure to fairly dry air it effloresces, forming powdery anhydrous sodium sulfate.
- Probably the largest use for sodium sulfate today is as a filler in laundry detergents
- For the manufacture of wood pulp.
- Glass industry-fining agent, to help remove small air bubbles from molten glass
- Manufacture of textiles
- Frosting windows, in carpet fresheners, starch manufacture and as an additive to cattle feed
- In medicine as a mild laxative
It is delivered in bag and OEM color bag in the form of slabs.